Wednesday, June 19, 2019

K-129 Submarine explosion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

K-129 Submarine explosion - Essay ExampleThe intelligence and the senior executives of each country do not have trust on the array to settle the issue. For that reason, the issue of the Nuclear Missile Submarine is still shrouded in mystery and uncertainty on what transpired. Different theories to explain why the gun for hire sank no American or Russian fail to state that the explosion result from an attempted nuclear missile launch as the primary source of the hired gun demise. For many years, there is a speculation that an exploding warhead leads to the catastrophe. In the 1960s, small groups of American and Russian military specialists secretly cooperate to prevent a credibly nuclear war.Wagner believes that Americans drowned their submarine in 1968. The Soviets had a direct line into the United States Navy Atlantic Fleet submarine headquarters. In the early 50s, American navy began installing hydrophone cables on the ocean floor. The underwater microphones could pick up sound s transmitted back to shore and converted to visual display. The author finds that the low frequency sounds traveling in great distances to pick up noise from underwater explosions. Military specialists identified the sounds and determined if the sub was a diesel or nuclear cater and where it likely belonged. The development of the technology helped the specialists to establish the territory of the K-129 as well as other subs.Sewell finds that an expert witness testifying on the occurrence cited that it was an explosion. United States knows the whereabouts of the submarine since they recorded the wreck and buried the military officers at sea. . United States classifies all the information concerning the wreck as secret. The court investigating the sinking proves that sounds picked from hydrophones compare to those of the sinking submarine. Several SOSUS arrays recorded sufficient triangulation to provide a locus on the possible wreck site. Soviets naval lack an equivalent of

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