Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Government Term Paper Essay

The United States was founded and created by a group of people who wanted to see change and be in control of their future. This country has successfully accomplished this goal. Challenges from ending slavery to giving women the right to vote have all been accomplished through the American people implementing and enforcing new laws to be made. Two important issues facing the United States are Obamacare and illegal immigrants using anchor babies to stay in the country. On the issue of Obamacare, the best policy to follow is to recall Obamacare and create a new bill that is more specific, fixing one level at a time. On the issue of anchor babies, the best policy to follow is to amend the Constitution’s 14th Amendment to clarify the standards of citizenship. On March 10, 2010 President Obama’s new health care was signed into law. This new form of health care is called Obamacare or more formally as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). This bill requires that those who can afford health care must maintain the minimal, essential health insurance coverage. This mandate does not apply to citizens who hold certain religious beliefs or have financial hardships. Once the bill is fully processed, thirty-two million Americans will be able to receive some form of health care. The main intention of Obamacare is that affordability and accountability it brings. Obamacare lowers premiums for families making $44,000-66,000 and $55,000-88,000 a year. This new bill has made it easier for more families and people to receive health care. Obamacare also has begun to resolve Medicare’s prescription â€Å"donut hole†. This has helped senior citizens pay for vital prescriptions. The â€Å"donut hole† occurs after the patient has received $2,830 worth of drugs. At this number, Medicare stops paying for the drugs until the patient has used over $4550 of drugs. Therefore the patient needs to pay for $2,000 before Medicare pays for their prescriptions again. This reform gives donut hole payments a 50% discount and slowly closes this spending gap. The bill plans for the gap to be fully closed by 2020. The process of closing Medicare’s donut hole has already begun (Health Reform). The Affordable Care Act has improved community health centers. Within this improvement, there are more free preventive care treatments along with 1,250 new care centers for twenty million people (Timeline). These centers co-inside with the bill’s customer protection plan. This solidifies that no one may be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions (Health Reform). More people have been treated and helped allowing for a better field of doctors to be used for the necessary and covered treatments that Obamacare has provided. A large intention within Obamacare is to correct and maintain a new policy for business. Small businesses are not required to provide health care. However, if a business has over fifty employees, they are required to make payments that allow for health care benefits if ever needed if they do not have health care insurance (Health Reform). The bill has allowed for over four million small businesses eligible for tax credits so that they may be able to provide health care. Along with tax credit, Obamacare has cracked down on fraud, waste and abuse. This has secured the governments support in this bill. In the future Obamacare plans to reduce paperwork, provide more funding to children’s hospitals, and expand bundling payments (Timeline). Due to the numerous projects and reforms within this large bill, states need more money. This money comes from citizen’s taxes. People who already have health care are being taxed to help pay for others. One of the leading problems that Americans have about Obamacare questions whether or not all Americans have the right to health care. If a person chooses to be homeless and not work, should other citizens have to pay for another’s medical needs? Relating to the previous question, currently the Supreme Court is in the process of deciding if the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional. Obamacare, 2010, stated that everyone must have some form of health care. People have begun to question whether this infringes and stretches Congress’ right to be involved in one’s personal life- even if this is an economic matter. Many individuals and twenty-seven states have begun to challenge Congress and whether the Commerce Clause has the right to expand national power at the expense on individual liberties. In 1824 the Supreme Court case, Gibbons v. Ogden, interpreted the government’s â€Å"commerce† to deal with only state to state/internal commerce affairs (US v Morrison). In 1937 the Supreme Court stretched the Commerce Clause for the government to oversee labor hours and wages. The government was allowed such power that they could even oversee a person’s personal consumption in the Supreme Court case, Wickard v. Filburn, in 1941 (Gaziano). Finally in 1995 the Supreme Court ruled against the government when they wanted to criminalize carrying guns to school. In this case, US v Lopez, the Supreme Court decided that this was not an economic issue and was not covered within the Commerce Clause (Langran). However, the Supreme Court case US v. Morrison became the final breaking point for the government. In 2000 Congress wanted to ban the violence of women. â€Å"The Supreme Court ruled that if there was any other clarification on the Commerce Clause that there would be a fundamental upset within the balance of powers in the Constitution† (Natelson). Throughout America’s history there have been many attempts to improve health care for Americans. Both Democrats- Roosevelt and Truman- and Republicans-Nixon- have done their share of work to help, however, the most recent and successful help came from the Clintons. Creating a new task force, Hillary Clinton spent large sums of money to keep the public interested and willing to support her. When she ran for president against Obama, her largest campaign issue was health care. Her plan was to require all US residents to have some form of health care and that employers must provide health care. Ultimately her work was not enough and was not as favorable as Obama’s idea of lowering the cost of health care rather than requiring it (Health Care). Now Obama has reversed his position on mandates as he created Obamacare. Obama explained to CBS News, â€Å"I’ve been persuaded that there are enough young, uninsured people who are cheap to cover, but are opting out. To make sure that those folks are part of the overall pool is the best way to make sure that all premiums go down† (My Interview). On March 26-28 of 2012, Florida and twenty-six other states argued that that the Affordable Care Act was unconstitutional. During these two days, the Supreme Court listened to the oral arguments. The Affordable Care Act’s largest concept is the availability and affordability for all of America to have health care by 2014. The states questioned the act’s credibility of one’s individual mandate (Katz). The course of the health care case began with Florida on January 31, 2011 when a district judge challenged the new health care act. Claiming that the individual mandate within the reform was unconstitutional called for the whole Affordable Care Act to be nullified. Through the process of appeals, the court decided that the act did infringe on American’s rights; however, the whole bill did not need to be recalled. From this, the federal court took this issue to the Supreme Court (Claeys). All though the oral arguments are complete, the Supreme Court’s decision is not expected unit June of 2012 (Katz). Advocates of the mandate argue that the â€Å"mandate would force all Americans to share the cost of health care† (Health Care). The mandate forces all people to pay so there would be no issue of people paying for others. People would be supporting themselves by paying for their own health care. Supporters of mandatory health care justify their position with the fact that those who don’t think they will need it eventually will. It is better to be safe and have health care if and when you need it. Living in America, a citizen has personal freedoms and with that comes responsibility and maturity. Providing oneself with health care, according to advocates, is a responsibility that must be met in order for citizens to continue to have the freedoms that they do. There are thousands of people who still need health care, Obamacare makes it more affordable; therefore, people will be more willing to get a proper form of health care. Americans will be interested in their benefits which makes them more aware of the issues surrounding health care (Should Illegal Aliens). In 2011 there have been numerous court cases trying to decide if the Affordable Care Act is Constitutional. These cases, such as Thomas Moore law Center v. Barack Obama US President (Patient) are defined as a writ of certiorari law. According to the legal definition, writ of certiorari is â€Å"an order a higher court issues to order to review the decision and proceedings in a lower court to determine whether there were any irregularities† (Definitions). This order given by the Supreme Court so that they may receive a transmit of the records of the cases heard about this issue. According to the information, may it be presented that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act-Obamacare- be recalled. The ideas that the bill presents are effective and appropriate; however, this bill came too soon. America’s current health care system needs other changes before Obamacare may be used. Americans need to obtain health care on their own before it is mandatory. A possible bill to begin the new process may be to focus making Medicare more affordable and efficient. â€Å"In 2011, the federal government spent about $477 million in net Medicare† (Fixing Medicare). The spending rate needs to match up with the number of patients and their medical needs rather than taxing citizens to get quick, un-favored results. A large part of why America has been so successful is because American citizens respect and have pride for the United States of America. The country’s patriotism has brought upon much success including: ending slavery, the Wright brothers’ first airplane, defeating Germany in World War I, and Neil Armstrong being the first man on the moon. Starting in the late 1700’s, America became known as the â€Å"melting pot†. Our multiculturalism makes America successful because all people want to be a part of making the United States better. Over time more and more people have moved to the United States. People wanted to be considered Americans and be official citizens. In the 1990’s alone the US population has increased by twenty-five million people. Within the last one hundred years 197 million people have moved to the United States (Riche). These new people came to America because their lives would be different. New immigrants changed their names, learned English, and wanted to be a part of America. Rather than sticking to their old cultures and lifestyles, immigrants adapted to the American lifestyle. The number of immigrants grew so quickly that the United States had to limit the number of people per country to enter into the United States. The government passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 to limit the number of Chinese immigrants entering the country. This act limited immigration in America to 170,000 Chinese people (National Archives). In June of 1866, the 14th Amendment was ratified into the United State’s Constitution. The 14th Amendment states that â€Å"all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and where they reside† (Rojas). This amendment was added to the Constitution to support and protect the freed African American population after the Civil War ended in 1865 (The Debate). This first part of the 14th Amendment is known as the Citizenship Clause. The second part of the 14th Amendment is the Equal Protection Clause which states â€Å"that no state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person their jurisdiction of equal protection of the laws† ( US History). In 1898 the Supreme Court case, US v. Wong Kim Ark, questioned whether the United States could deny naturalization to anyone born in the United States under the 14th Amendment. Born in San Francisco, Ark lived with his parents in California. At age twenty-one Ark traveled to China to visit his parents where his parents moved after living in the US for twenty years. Upon his return to the United States, Ark was denied entry. According to the Chinese Exclusion Act, no people of the Chinese race shall be permitted into the country. However, if Ark is considered to be US citizen this act does not apply to him. The Supreme Court concluded that the government could not deny citizenship to a person born in the United States. This case upheld the 14th Amendment (Rojas). Today this case has been upheld and been the foundation of how the Citizenship Clause is applied to United States citizens. Today the number of people moving to America still increases. However, there are another group of immigrants moving to America. In 2000, LIFE Act Amnesty estimated 900,000 illegal immigrants came into the United States. It is determined to be twelve to twenty million illegal immigrants residing in the United States today (Gheen). The rising issue in illegal immigration is the regularity of anchor babies. This term, anchor baby is classified as an illegal/non-citizen who came to the United States and gave birth to their child. Because their child is a US citizen according to the 14th Amendment, these families are able to convince the courts to let them stay and live in America (The Debate). This idea gives illegal immigrants an easy way to beat the system and live in America. Due to the large number of anchor babies born in America it is clear that their parents do not wish to become US citizens. Illegal immigrant families are able to get food stamps and Medicaid through the country’s tax dollars. Along with health care illegal immigrants are getting help putting their children through school. This changes the dynamics and level of public schools as they have to accommodate to these children. This issue has increased so quickly that organizations like FAIR, Federation for American Immigration Reform, has made more attempts to eliminate this problem. FAIR estimated that 425,000 illegal babies are born in the United States per year (McNeil). Other organizations have come together to push for this issue to be resolved. The state of Arizona has taken the imitative to end anchor baby citizenship. This bill, SB 1070, was written in June of 2010. Arizona’s bill â€Å"makes attrition through the enforcement of public policy of all agencies† (Senate Bill). This bill sets up the country for success by cracking down on an individual’s immigration status. If their paperwork is illegitimate, then they will be taken to the custody of US immigration and customs and enforcement. Arizona alone is estimated to have over 300,000 illegal immigrants. Supporters to stop anchor baby citizenship state that â€Å"maternity tourism† is only the beginning of the possibilities of the novelties to come surrounding illegal immigrants. If the United States wants to continue to have the power and the proper influence among the citizens, then they must stop this illegal, increasing birth rate. Eventually all of these children will grow up and be the anchor needed for the family to permanently stay in the country (Beck). Currently a US citizen may not sponsor a family member with a green care unless they are over twenty-one years of age (Kolken). In twenty years there will be an even larger issue with illegal immigration once all of these babies are an adult. Supporters confidently state that having their child in America was their poor decision and does not exempt them the from the law and the US immigration laws. Their bad choice will impact their children, they are illegal citizens and because their children are minors they have no choice but to follow their parents as they are deported (Should Illegal Aliens). On the other side, those against interfering with the immigration question if there is no harm to America’s National Guard then why interfere? Because the child is a US citizen, the parents are then forced to make the difficult decision of whether or not to separate their family until their papers are approved. This then increases the single parent, non-traditional family for many children (Should Illegal Aliens). Those against resolving the anchor baby â€Å"problem† see no real solution because the children are protected under the 14th Amendment and have the right to live in America. Rather than solving the problem, it is suggested that a bill would simply encourage more people to not renew or even get a green card because of the high chance of deportation (Beck). Children who are born in the Unites States should not be guaranteed citizenship if their parents are not legal citizens. The United States is one of eleven other countries who even have â€Å"jus soli† as an option. The legal phrasing of â€Å"jus soli† directly translates to â€Å"the right of the land† (McNeil). Many of these countries, not including the United States, has citizenship as an option. In 1980, Britain changed their Nationality Act to be a preference rather than a mandate for babies born in the country (The Debate). Germany changed their Nationality Act as well in 2000. â€Å"A child shall be a German citizen only it at least one parent has a permanent residence in Germany or lives in Germany for at least eight years (Nationality Act). The United States must amend the 14th Amendment and clarify the true meaning and value of a child born in America. In the 14th Amendment clearly defines the standards needed to be a US citizen then many of the nation’s current problems would be handled. Illegal parents whose children are keeping them here would be deported. There will be less problems with Medicaid and the country’s tax dollars will not be going to those who live here illegally and receive food stamps and putting their children through the public school system. All immigrants living in the United States will want to be here and will be able to receive the correct form of becoming a citizen. Amending the 14th Amendment will restore America’s patriotism and success. America has proven to be the strongest country in the world. In order for the United States to maintain their strong position, the government must take care of the country’s issues first. The country’s health care must not be fixed by Obamacare. A new bill must be enacted that slowly and correctly fixes the foundational issues of the system before requiring all people to have health care. If thirty-two million were to be on America’s current health care, the system would jam and eventually shut down. Along with fixing health care, the anchor baby citizenship issues must be handled. Ronald Reagan explained the problem perfectly, â€Å"a country that cannot control its borders isn’t a country† (Buchannan). Therefore the 14th Amendment must be clarified and steps must be taken to contain illegal immigration in order for the United States to see a successful future. Works Cited Beck, Roy. â€Å"‘Anchor’ Babies: No More Citizenship.† Bloomberg Business week. 2009. Web. 28 Apr. 2012. . Buchannan, Pat . â€Å"Whose Country is This?.† World Net Weekly. N.p., 2010. Web. 29 Apr 2012. . Claeys, Eric. â€Å"Obamacare and the Limits of Judicial Conservatism.† National Affairs. National Affairs, Summ. Web. 27 Apr 2012. . â€Å"The Debate Over ‘Anchor Babies’ And Citizenship.† National Public Radio. 18 Apr. 2010. Web. 16 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"Definitions: Writ of Certiorari Law & Legal Definition.† US Legal, Inc., 2012. Web. 29 Apr 2012. . â€Å"Fixing Medicare.† New York Time. N.p., 20 Nov 011. Web. 28 Apr 2012. . Gaziano, Todd, and Elizabeth Garvey. â€Å"Commerce Clause: Expansion of National Power at †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Expense of Individual Liberty.† American Government. ABC-CLIO, 2012. Web. 29 Apr. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦2012. Gheen, W.. â€Å"History of Illegal Immigration in the U.S..† End illegal immigration. Americans for †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.Legal Immigration, 2012. Web. 29 Apr 2012. â€Å"Health Care Mandates.† Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦On File News Services, 16 Oct. 2009. Web. 29 Apr. 2012. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. â€Å"Health Reform Puts American Families and Small Business Owners in Control of Their Own Health Care.† The White House. Web. 27 Apr. 2012. . Katz, Daniel. â€Å"Supreme Court Considers Health Care Reform: Overview.† American †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.Government. ABC-CLIO, 2012. Web. 29 Apr. 2012. Klein, Ezra. â€Å"Who Obamacare Got to the Supreme Court.† Washington Post. 2012. Web. 27 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"Kolken & Kolken Immigration Lawyers.† Immigration Lawyers, US Immigration News and Law Updates. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. . Langran, Robert. â€Å"Commerce Clause: Recent Interpretations Diminish State Sovereignty.† †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.American Government. ABC-CLIO, 2012. Web. 29 Apr. 2012. McNeil, Brian. â€Å"Goode Takes on ‘anchor Baby’ Issue.† Daily Progress. 5 Sept. 2008. Web. 29 Apr. 2012. . â€Å"My Interview with President Obama.† CBS News. N.p., 27 July 2009. Web. 29 Apr 2012. . Natelson, Robert G. â€Å"Commerce Clause: The Misinterpretation of the Commerce Clause.† †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦American Government. ABC-CLIO, 2012. Web. 29 Apr. 2012. National Archives, . â€Å"Chinese Exclusion Act (1882).† Our documents. United States Archives, †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦1989. Web. 29 Apr 2012.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Organization of the study Essay

The study will be organized into four chapters in accordance with the Action Research, as table 1 displays. TABLE 1 Organization of the study based on action research Action Research Steps Chapters 1 2 3 4 Planning/Conceptualization X Fact Finding X X X Evaluation X Chapter 1 has stated the problem and purpose, explained the importance of the study, and stated the method. Chapter 2 will survey the literature to identify and report behaviors required to effectively analyze the characteristics of the church leaders, church members and surrounding neighborhood. Chapter 3 will report the validated behaviors for the role of the church. Chapter 4 will review and summarized the study, offer appropriate conclusion and discuss recommendations for change and future study. A review of literature available regarding the Black church and the involvement of the church in the community reveals a pattern of strong involvement of the church in the community. African presence in the Bible shows a clear participation in the early Church as well as a respect for African involvement. The early history of the church, as well as its mid-20th century involvement in the civil rights movement, sets a precedent for community involvement in secular matters for the church of today. Modern involvement of the Black church in secular life and the wider community touches all aspects of secular life, including physical and mental health of its parishioners, youth advocacy and youth programs, economic development, community volunteering, and literacy. Additionally, more traditional areas of pastoral involvement, such as bereavement counseling, may have some overlap with secular counseling due to increasing involvement in secular mental health providers in life events previously handled in a primarily pastoral manner. BIBLICAL CONTEXT Blacks have a strong presence in the Bible, and there is no evidence of the modern idea of racial inferiority to other peoples in the writings. Both Old Testament and New Testament writings refer to Africans who were highly placed, and do not show any evidence of the discrimination or enslavement African Americans have faced. â€Å"When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt† (Hosea 11:1) The Queen of Sheba was a notable Biblical African; she was treated as an equal and given full honors as a head of state. â€Å"And she came to Jerusalem with a very great train, with camels that bare spices, and very much gold, and precious stones: and when she was come to Solomon, she communed with him all that was in her heart† (1 Kings 10:2) The genealogy of Jesus Christ in Matthew lists several African women – â€Å"And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab; and Booz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse;† (Matthew 1:5) – Rachab and Ruth were African women, as was Thamar. The gathering of Jews at Pentacost related in Acts included those of African origin. â€Å"Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia, Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of ibya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes, Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. † (Acts 2:9-2:11). Two of the teachers at Antioch were also African – â€Å"Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brough up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul† (Acts 13:1). Of these teachers, Simeon (called Niger, Latin for â€Å"the black†) and Lucius of Cyrene were African. The wealth of African presence and importance in the Bible makes it clear that the African American church has a strong Biblical precedent. HISTORICAL CONTEXT The African church was active and important in the history of the early church. The Synod of Hippo, held in 393 in Hippo Regius (corresponding to northern Algeria) was instrumental in forming Christianity as we know it today; that is where the first canon of the New Testament was approved. Several other synods were also held in Hippo Regius, as well as councils in Carthage and Alexandria (Hendrickson, 2002, 320). Egypt and Algeria were centers of Christian worship. Major historical events in Christianity, including the Reformation, spread Christianity further into Africa. When Africans were captured and sent to the New World as slaves, they brought with them a melange of religious practice, including Christianity, native religions and others. The black church in America was established during the 1700s, during which time many African Americans were still suffering under the yoke of slavery. The first uniquely black church, the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, was established by Richard Allen in 1816; membership in the new denomination exploded, reaching almost 6,000 members by 1820 and spreading to the south and west quickly (Simms, 2000, 101). The Black Methodist church immediately took on the characteristic role of the black church, fighting oppression and slavery, providing loans and business advice and other social services to their worshippers (Simms, 2000, 101). The church was instrumental in abolishing slavery; David Walker’s work â€Å"Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World†, published in 1829, which castigated the institution of slavery and used Scriptural quotation and traditional Christian morals to prove the immorality of slavery and the moral bankruptcy of the slave owners, provided a galvanizing force to the Abolitionist movement as well as encouragement to those still enslaved (Simms, 2000, 102). Simms relates the spread of the Black church throughout America to the exodus of Southern blacks at the start of World War I; given a sudden chance at employment and expansion, Southern blacks moved north into the industrial heartlands of Michigan, Illinois and Indiana as well as into the Northeast, and they brought their religion along with them. One notable congregation was the Abyssinian Baptist Church of Harlem, which provided political, social and economic support to its 14,000 members (2003, 102). Blum remarks on the position of the church in the Black community, â€Å"the Black church has been the enduring center and focal point of Black communities and the refuge from racism and poverty†¦ the church provided Blacks with a shelter, and indeed, was the most significant of all Black institutions (1993, 609)†. At the time the Black church differentiated from white denominations, slavery and oppression against Blacks was rife. The church’s establishment was a form of protest against the ruling white majority and a spiritual refuge from the larger world. Because the congregants of the Black church have never had the luxury of a coherent, secular social support structure, the church has taken on the role of social caregiver as well as spiritual caregiver. According to Gadzekpo (2001, 609), the church had from its inception a distinct, African-American culture, and was not an attempt to mimic the white church as is often assumed. â€Å"The major aspect of Black Christian belief was freedom†¦ for the African in America as a slave, it meant release from bondage; after emancipation, it meant education, employment and freedom of movement for the â€Å"Negro†, and for the past forty years it has meant social, political and economic justice for the African-American (2001, 609). † According to Gadzekpo, a call to God’s service was seen as a call to freedom; it is a basic tenet of the Black Christian church that God wants Black Christians to be free because they, too, are made in his own image. The involvement of the Black church in the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s was notable, not only because church leaders precipitated a major change in the secular culture, but because it set a pattern of involvement of the church in secular matters, including political, social and health. Leonard Gadzekpo discusses the involvement of the Black church in the civil rights movement. He states: One may present the Black church as an institution that gives some direction to the aforementioned aspects of African-American life and influences them, particularly in American society at large. The core values of Black culture – such as freedom, justice, equality, an African heritage and racial parity in all aspects of human life – were inherent in the Christian ethos that gave birth to and nurtured the civil rights movement. (2001, 609). With the founding doctrine of the Black church being religious, political and physical freedom, the involvement of the church in the civil rights movement was inevitable. Likewise, involvement of the church in the political and social problems that African-Americans face today is inevitable. As Gadzekpo notes, †¦ the Black church, therefore, has reached the point in the last decade of the twentieth century in which searing demands are being made for a return to the tradition of self-help and agitation†¦ the development of new and creative approaches has become commonplace in the face of internal pressures involving changes within African-American society, external pressures involving prevalent and persistent racism, and the hostile environment in which the church exists. (2001, 610) The history and current position of the church within the Black community clearly indicate that there is a need for involvement of the church in secular matters as well as spiritual, and that the church, by providing this involvement, would be continuing the tradition of service which the church was founded in. However, as Simms notes, the church struggles with the bifurcation of the black community. More affluent blacks who have managed to escape the traditional economic and social confines of the African American experience have not remained within the church to continue to support its mission. The modern black church is a divided entity, rather than a united whole, which weakens its efforts and causes difficulty in determining its path (Simms, 2000, 105).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Amity Centre for eLearning Essay Example for Free

Amity Centre for eLearning Essay Mr. Sreenivas (55) working as manager in Alfa Chemicals, a large scale industrial establishment engaged in the production of Phosphate and Sulphur. He has 30 years of experience in Alfa Chemicals. He has an excellent track record as Manager Human Resources within the organization. Many times he got ‘best   employer award’ to performance excellence. His area of expertise in recruitment and selection process, and performance appraisal has been widely acknowledged. The Information Technology division of Alfa Chemicals industry once faced acute shortage of manpower. Mr. Raj, Manager IT division put forward an immediate requirement of 10 employees in the IT division, to HR department, starting from junior level to senior level. As and when Mr. Sreenivas got the letter from Mr. Raj, in his department, he started processing of it. To get it done, he approached many sources. He had gone through the data bank of company and considered 100 resumes for recruitment from it. He also informed the employees and employers of the organization, in their respective departmental notice board, showing the immediate requirement of 10 employees to facilitate the internal recruitment procedures. From the employees and employers of Alfa Chemicals he got around 150 applications with resumes. In addition to that in order to give an opportunity to candidates’ external to the organization he floated an advertisement in several daily news papers viz., Times of India, Sakal, and Indian Express. From external sources he got around 350 applications. Almost 600 candidates, including internal and external applicants, applied for 10 vacant posts. To ensure the reliability and dependability of the process, Sreenivas made his personal scrutiny at all levels, in the recruitment and selection process. Since the entire department function as a team in HR, all the members trust each other and extended their valuable contribution in the recruitment and selection. The department conducted a preliminary interview in order to made first  screening process and filter the number of applicants. After the first screening process the HR department reduced the number of applicant list from 600 to 500 applicants. He conducted a written test and group discussion and there by further reduces the number of applicants to 300. These 300 candidates then exposed to one hour psychometric test and out of which 50 candidates selected for the final interview. From the final interview, 10 candidates finally selected. The entire process of recruitment and selection took almost 3 months. The selected candidates list then forwarded to the top management for the final approval. HR department informed the candidates that the appointment letters will be sent to those who are selected for the post. Sreenivas approached several time to the top management about to get final approval of list of candidates for the IT department. Sreenivas informed the IT department also that the delay in the final list announcement as the top   management take some more time. He waited almost 4 weeks. But, no reply at all. Mr. Raj, the IT manager every day enquired about the latest information about the final list of the candidates and tentative date of induction. Sreenivas faced the difficulty to make any comment on the subject as there was no information from the top management. HR department had to answer many phone calls from out side and inside the organization, as recruitment involved candidates from inside and outside. The employers and employees of the industry, whose relatives got into the final selection process, became regular visitors of the HR department, asking for the finalist. Sreenivas called a meeting of HR team members and once again made a close verification of the entire process. But he couldn’t find any fault in any of the recruitment and selection process. As the time went on he became more suspicious about the delay in the announcement of the result. When the problem becomes so crucial Sreenivas got direction from the top management to meet Mr. Kartik, General Manager, one of the top officials in the organization. Mr.Kartik asked the entire process of recruitment and selection that made on IT professionals. Sreenivas furnished the entire details of the process in a precise report. Mr. Kartik read the entire  report and soon after made a direct comment that the recruitment and selection process that for IT professionals need to be cancelled as he observed some discrepancies in the process made by his department. He further directed Sreenivas that the vacancies have to be filled through contract basis and no permanent vacancies to be made in these positions, for one year. Further he informed Sreenivas that another recruitment process to be done from external candidates applied and no internal application to be entertained. Sreenivas couldn’t agree with the Mr. Kiran comment on his department’s inefficiency in the recruitment and selection process. For a while he thought about quitting the organization, as he faced a baseless allegation from the top management. Till date there is no black mark in his functional dissemination. On many occasion he helped the industry to find out best possible solutions in order to tackle the many manpower crisis. Sreenivas became so depressed and felt quiet unhappy about the decision taken by the management. Mr. Sreenivas called an urgent meeting of his subordinates and communicated the management decision and directives. He shared with the team members that the management had greater dissatisfaction on the recruitment and selection process done by the department. He enquired that any one made any mistake in the  process. All members denied the probability of any mistake. As there were clear norms and regulations related to each step and there was no dual command, they found no possibility of creeping errors in the selection process. In the meeting he informed his subordinates that the management freezes the appointment process for IT professionals and asked for external recruitment on contract basis. It was shocking news to members. They asked several questions to get a proper clarification from Sreenivas. As Mr. Sreenivas himself unaware of the reasons behind management decision, he informed his subordinate his inability to give a proper reply in this regard. Sreenivas also informed this matter to Mr. Raj. During the evening hours, in the same day, Sreenivas got a call from Mr. George, one of his senior-level Managers, with whom he had friendly and informal relationship. Mr. George asked Srinivas to come to his cabin. As per the call Mr.  Sreenivas met George in his cabin. George enquired about his family and many unofficial matters in the informal interaction. Half an hour later, Mr. George enquired about the recruitment and selection process of IT professionals. He shared with George all those things happened with top management. Leaving aside the informal interaction, George initiated formal discussion with Sreenivas. He told Sreenivas that the selected list of IT professionals consisted two names, Mr. Avdesh and Mr. Praveen, they are the relatives of two trade union leaders of the organization. The management felt that being the relatives of two trade union leaders, in the long run, they could be a threat to organization. It may create an image that the trade unions still have a control over the decision making process in organization. Further, the hold of trade union may expand if this selection process materializes. Mr. Geroge informed Sreenivas that management didn’t have any doubt about the dependability and exactness of the recruitment processes that HR departmentr did. George further informed Sreenivas that as per the intimation from top management he called Mr. Sreenivas and briefed about the undercurrents of this episode. The entire news was shocking to Mr. Sreenivas. He didn’t know that the management decision had this much of undercurrents. After hearing entire story Sreenivas become so silent and returned to his cabin. While sitting inside his cabin, he made a silent comment that, â€Å"what a useless effort. Questions 1. What are the undercurrents of selection process in Alfa Chemicals? 2. How management decision justifies management effort in the maintenance of harmonious industrial relation? 3. Do you believe that as HR Manager, Mr. Sreenivas failed to gather direct and indirect information about the candidates? 4. How ‘cancellation of appointment’ decision that affect the moral of organizational members? 5. How you interpret the dilemma of HR managers have to face in such kind of situations. 6. What would be your decision if you have to face such situation? 7. Do you believe that trade unions have ‘quota’ in appointments? 8. How the decision affect the reduction of wastages and improvement of resources. 9. Is the decision reflecting management fear towards trade union or inability to develop a congenial industrial relationship within the organization? 10. How you interpret the silence of Mr. Sreenivas? Amity Centre for eLearning. (2016, Jun 02). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Alcoholism as a Social Problem Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Alcoholism as a Social Problem - Assignment Example An alcoholic renders his or her family socially isolated from the larger society. The social ills of alcohol in society confirm why menace is a social problem. People who are not connected to the alcoholic are affected by an alcoholic’s action problem increase rate of workplace absenteeism and impairs productivity. Risky sexual activity, violence, crime, and automobile accidents happen due to alcoholism. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (2015) indicates that the prevalence of drinking in the United States in 2013 reached 86.8percent for persons aged 18 years and older. Binge and heavy drinking are the common forms of alcohol the inking that people of 18 years or older preferred. Heavy drinking leads to alcohol dependence and abuse and is responsible for 6.8 percent in the United States. National Institute of Health reveals that alcohol use disorders affect adults and youth who seek treatment and rehabilitative on from the problem in specialized facilities. At least 16.6 million adolescents have reported or found to have alcohol problems. Not only does alcohol lead to health disorders but also leads to deaths in American society. It is estimated that 88,000 people die from alcohol-related causes every year. Alcoholism has become a third preventable cause of death in the United States. NIAAA argues that misuse of alcohol has cost the U.S at least $223 billion since 2006 despite being a problem that can be prevented need. The global burden increases daily with alcoholism become ming responsible for 200 diseases and health conditions. Gifford (2009) argues that cancers, injuries, and liver cirrhosis have become prevalent in society.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Capstone Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Capstone Project - Assignment Example After a number of meetings they recommended three very important violence prevention programs which include prevention, intervention and treatment. They also established a new department of community programs to manage them. The first program involved improving and expanding gun violence prevention efforts in schools. This program kicked off in 1993 but was enforced in 1998 in response to the shooting in Jonesboro school. Schools in Arkansas started receiving federal funds to enable them set school based violence resource centers. According to Arkansas Advocates for Children & Families (2002), these violence resource centers wrote and published guidebooks on violence prevention that are now used in schools. The second program was an initiative of creating a Community threat assessment program. It was enforced in 1994 by the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families. The organization published a handbook addressing violence â€Å"computer, cellos and call-in radio: violence prevention tools for the 90s†. This book had the steps to follow in confronting violence in the community. The last one was enhancing service provision and accessibility of mental and behavioral health under the treatment initiative. This program involved the Arkansas Art children’s hospital, school clubs, Art center, city parks and churches (Arkansas Advocates for Children & Families, 2002). In conclusion, the gun violence prevention programs started in Arkansas has greatly contributed to preventing gun violence cases in Arkansas. For instance, currently, there are 15 separate groups and 17 summer youth programs with more than 6,000 members funded by the initiative. In addition, a community in Arkansas, knows as Little Rock, recorded a 54% drop in juvenile gun violence arrests. Adjudicative practices are procedures that are made to solve disputes in the judiciary. One of these practices is rehabilitation of the federal prisoners.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Assessment of the simplest, smartest, most effective and efficient Research Paper

Assessment of the simplest, smartest, most effective and efficient solutions to tackle long-term global warming issues - Research Paper Example The topic under discussion is current issues related to global warming. First of all, one can see that human encroachment upon nature and indiscriminative abuse of natural resources leads to ecological imbalance. Besides, the current issues related to global warming is deeply related to burning of fossil fuels and green house gas emission. Both these reasons behind global warming are closely connected to human encroachment upon nature. The most important issue related to global warming is climate change. Besides, the current global warming issues are interconnected. For instance, rise in global temperature leads to melting of snow in North and South poles and it eventually leads to rise in sea levels. Stephen H. Schneider makes clear that global warming may result in gradual sea level rise and flood in coastal areas (Schneider, 1990, p.160). Another issue related to global warming is extreme weather events. One can see that extreme weather events exert much pressure upon global population. Besides, rapid change in rainfall and uncertain climate affects nations in arid/semi-arid regions. From a different angle of view, rapid increase in global average temperature is beneficial to some regions. At the same time, some other regions are affected by increase in global average temperature. But generally, developing and underdeveloped nations are forced to suffer the far-reaching consequences of global warming and related issues. The current global warming issues can be divided into two: global and local. The global issues include problems originating from rising temperature. For instance, rising temperature melts ice deposit in north and south poles and it eventually leads to increase in global average temperature. This issue cannot be limited to any national boundary. All the human beings are forced to face the aftereffects of global warming.

Friday, July 26, 2019

American history of business 1865-present Research Paper

American history of business 1865-present - Research Paper Example Each American year in the historical era is documented besides its prevailing economic, social or political phenomenon, thus these classifications are done in terms of units. The units are mainly clusters of years, each of which major transitions were taking place in all realms. However, each cluster of years since 1865 was marked by a contentious issue that required immediate response from the concerned groups (Olson, 2007). These units are investigated in regards to the following divisions: unit 1 (1865-1876) Industrial Revolution, railroads, development of corporations, finance, communication, labor, and introduction of trusts. Unit two (1877-1920) explains about the Impact of Roosevelt's "New Nationalism" vs. Wilson's "New Freedom" and welfare capitalism. Unit 3 (1921-1945) views Technology, consumer spending, introduction of the automobile, and the Great Depression. Unit 4 (1946-1976) looks into Postwar prosperity, organized labor, and the Taft-Hartley Act, while unit 5 (1976-pr esent) is regarded in terms of NAFTA, computer age, and the economic downturn in American business. The major players in regards to the transformations that were taking place in America included the political leaders, immigrated people from other continents, laborers and activists dominating various economic, political, and social realms (Olson, 2007). The discussion in this paper is aimed at the establishment of the history of American business since 1865 and up to the present date. The various units will be carefully examined to enhance the comprehension of the business issue in the aforementioned years. Unit 1 (1865-1876) In unit one, business in America consisted of Industrial Revolution, railroads, development of corporations, finance, communication, labor, and introduction of trusts. There was rapid development in America in this period, rendering America become a leading industrial continent in the global context. The industrial revolution was facilitated by the abundance of natural resources that were exploited to yield useful industrial products. Adequate land was also available that could be utilized in the production of agricultural raw materials, serving as industrial raw materials in the set up industries. The prior and prevailing construction of railroads provided an ample ground for the required industrialization, since the industrialists could penetrate to the deepest parts in search for industrial materials. Availability of adequate labor acted as a long-term rationale to the fast-paced industrial revolution that took place in America. The period was also significant in seeing the Asians and Mexicans rapidly immigrate to America in search for labor, thus the industrializing America gained a favorable ground for the required activities. The ideal presence of rivers that were navigable provided a ground for the cheap extraction of industrial energy as other related items of requirement. The Americans had also enough capital, which served as the major contributing factor to the aspect of industrialization (Ripper, 2008). The development of railroads was rapidly taking place in this period in a bid to meet the immediate needs for transport and industrial increment. The more the railroads continued to expand, the more the industrial expansions took place in America. The opening of these railroads in all places in America saw the creation of more farms, markets, towns in areas that

Thursday, July 25, 2019

International Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

International Management - Essay Example Living for long in the same geography they share vast similarities. The challenges that this kind of complex countries present are both relevant to ongoing companies as well as for MNCs trying to enter these markets. When making a debut into one market, and preparing an entry strategy firms need to consider very much the national culture of the company, to evaluate whether the culture will help the business to flourish or whether the cultural norms will act as hindrance to the business and profitability. Any cultural theory is based on the assumption that there is no universal method of management theory. And in this global world, doing business in other countries require knowledge and empathy with the locals of the country, hence it is important to understand and be aware of the cultural differences when handling or dealing with cross cultural groups or individuals. Geert Hofstede has described five dimensions of differences in values between national cultures. The five dimensions of Geert Hofstede are Power Distance, Individualism versus Collectivism, Masculinity versus Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance, and Long-term versus Short-term orientation. The dimension, Power Distance tries to suggest the degree of inequality amongst the different members in a given culture. On a scale the dimension ranges from small to large. In cultures where Power Distance is small, members of the society relate to each other on a more equal level regardless of the status or authority of the people in consideration. Whereas, in large Power Distance situations, there is more formality in interaction amongst people. According to Hofstede, Pakistan has a score of 55 on the cultural scale; which compared to other regional countries is relatively low. It shows that Pakistan is somewhat in the middle and does not have a very large gap between the wealthy and the poor people in the country. But, still it does not strongly believe in the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

AMERICAN THEATER HISTORY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

AMERICAN THEATER HISTORY - Assignment Example Most importantly, Flanagan ensured that the Federal Theater Project established different units in different states and cities. This paper will discuss the role played by the Federal Theater Project, especially in its series of plays titled Living Newspapers. Moreover, the paper highlighted the significance of the Federal Theater Project to the understanding of American theater in the 1930s. The Federal Theater Project represented efforts by the Federal government to establish an organized presentation and production of theater Wax and events. It served as one of the projects established by President Roosevelt’s administration to provide Americans with jobs. Worth noting is the fact that Americans had experienced the great depression in the 1920s, a factor that saw the collapse of the economic system with many people losing their jobs. For this reason, the Federal Theater Project was established under the Wax Progress Administration as a strategy of providing artists with jobs. The Federal Theater Project sought to bring together actors, playwrights, designers, stage managers, directors, and other artists so that they would count in the public relief roles (About the Federal Theatre Project, 2011). Additionally, the Federal Theater Project sought to present the people with artistic works that would strengthen community life. Worth noting is the fact that the Fede ral Theater Project served its role of providing employment to the people because it hired more than 12,000 artists. In her years of experience, Flanagan had acquired expertise in a unique theater form titled the Living Newspaper. The Living Newspaper theater form made use of common people as significant characters in different plays. The plays introduced existing social and political problems and highlighted potential solutions to the problems (Klein, 2013). The

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International Business Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 2

International Business Management - Essay Example e of this report to be submitted to the Directors of Paltek Company, is to bid for a contract to help Paltek implement its international strategy successfully. The report based on the company’s resources and sector, will identify strategic challenges and market entry options in international markets. Paltek has an annual turnover of  £5 million, employing 70 people to provide specialist circuit boards for business-to-business (B2B) markets including the military and information technology sectors. The components for manufacturing the circuit boards are procured from a number of international markets. The company plans to sell its product on an international scale, and has marketed some of its goods to the United States. Paltek’s new aim is to break into the Nordic markets, because the economies in Northern Europe are highly advanced. Expansion of the company into the European market would prove to be beneficial because of its great numbers of electronic manufacturers and purchasers. In this region Paltek plans to achieve economies of scale by using innovative ideas necessary to remain competitive. Presently offering their products only to United Kingdom customers, Paltek plans to build the design and manufacture facility for niche markets on an international scale. Though procuring supplies of components from Asia, Paltek does not plan to enter the Asian market to sell its products. The company however sees international activities capturing wider markets as the approach to increase the company’s growth. Moreover, another reason for developing the European markets is that Paltek believes that the key to running a successful business is to be in close proximity to the customers. â€Å"For a young, resource-constrained, technology-based start-up embarking on international sales, the choice of entry mode is a strategic decision of major importance† (Burgel & Murray 33). The initial foreign entry behaviour of a young firm can be of major importance in its

Critical Thinking Essay Example for Free

Critical Thinking Essay Critical thinking, according to Micheal Scriven Richard Paul are defined as the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skilfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation experience reflection, reasoning or communication as a guide to belief and action. Critical thinking is the general term given to a wide range of cognitive and intellectual skills needed to effectively identify, analyze and evaluate arguments. Among them are also in making reasonable, intelligent decision about what to believe and what to do. One of the people that I look up to which possesses these qualities of a critical thinker is Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. I have chosen to write this essay on Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad as a critical thinker because he has the important characteristics and the skills needed in a critical thinker. One of the characteristics of a critical thinker that he possesses are that he thinks independently and is not afraid to disagree with group opinion. People look at him as an intellectual and a visionary, as something more than just an ordinary politician, therefore he is always invited to give his views on things. While in the political wilderness, Mahathir wrote his first book,  The Malay Dilemma, in which he set out his vision for the Malay community. The book argued that a balance had to be achieved between enough government support for Malays so that their economic interests would not be dominated by the Chinese, and exposing Malays to sufficient competition to ensure that over time, Malays would lose what Mahathir saw as the characteristics of avoiding hard work and failing to appreciate the real value of money and property. The book continued Mahathirs criticism of Abdul Rahmans government, and it was promptly banned. The ban was only lifted after Mahathir became prime minister in 1981.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Psychologists & prejudice Essay Example for Free

Psychologists prejudice Essay According to Dollards et al (1939) frustration-aggression hypothesis aggression that cannot be expressed directly at the source of frustration can be displaced unto a ‘representation’ of the source (scapegoat), leading to bias and prejudice. Unlike the previous cases which have their origins in social learning or social identity this form of prejudice is borne out of the frictional component of social interaction. A ‘solution’ is therefore to reduce this friction as much as possible. The apartheid era in South Africa did recognise the problem of ‘cultural friction’ and sought to address it by separating black from white. However, the separation was not fair favouring white (supremacy) over black. This in effect only amounted to replacing one source of friction and frustration with another. Typically, social frustrations are linked to exogenous economic conditions where the contrast between the rich and poor is clearly sharpened. The challenge for any government to implement a solution to such frustrations may be simply be too difficult, or not at all practical. Germany in the late 1930’s and early forties provides a good example of national frustration followed by an explosion of national prejudice and aggression. The application of the ‘solution’ shaped the history of the 20th century. By understanding the origin and causes of prejudice, psychologists are able to propose methods and conditions that can lead to a reduction of prejudice. However, economic factors, social learning, and identity beliefs based on religion or culture may mean that any attempt to remove prejudice from ‘free’ society will be met with limited success.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Nissans Global Strategy

Nissans Global Strategy Nissans global strategy with focus towards its entry and expansion to India Introduction Globalisation in terms of strategy actually makes us aware of to two simultaneous changes, the globalisation of industries and the globalisation of markets. The globalisation of industries refers to the increased integration of business across national borders due to rapid advancement in communications, transportations and the absence of wide spread high intensity world conflict leading to increased international trade flows and foreign direct investment. The technological advances combined with successful implementation of free trade policies by many countries has resulted in companies being able to expand their operations internationally as well as compete itself in multiple countries. The globalisation of markets refers to the concept that demand preferences are becoming more homogenous across national borders which means people are increasingly looking for same product around the world. Both these aspects play predominant importance in a firms global strategy towards its expansio n internationally. (Scott Gallagher, 2005) Nissans Global Strategy Nissan Motors global strategy involves its aim to become an industry leader in zero-emission vehicles and to cultivate developing markets with low-cost global cars. As part of zero-emission environmental friendly vehicles, it would be beginning with the launching of the new electric vehicles (EVs) which would be powered by advanced lithium-ion batteries to be jointly developed with electronic maker NEC Corp. The EV to be introduced will have a unique body style on an all-new vehicle platform which would be compact for the city, yet big enough to carry five adults. Importantly, it will be thoroughly usable with brisk performance and a range of 160kms. It will have the performance of a typical 1.6-litre petrol-engine car while recharging from a high voltage source will restore 80 per cent of the battery capacity in around 30 minutes. The company with its alliance partner Renault, which holds 44% stake in it, has been developing partnerships with various governments and specialist compa nies to build a sustainable mobility network and create public awareness towards EVs as its preparing for marketing them on a mass scale. Various understanding has been signed with electricity companies, charging station suppliers and governments to promote the concept of zero emission mobility and provide infrastructure support, craft legislation or offer incentives such as tax relief, parking or toll rebates for EV buyers (Source: The Japan Times online, May 14, 2008). Cultivating developing markets with low-cost global cars, Nissan is globally launching its new small car on a fresh global platform. The common global platform strategy is part of Nissans endeavour to produce a host of cars, be it hatchbacks or sedans, across five countries in which thus far India, China and Thailand have been identified as key manufacturing locations. The new small car, touted as a replacement for the Micra, will first go into production in Thailand with shipping out key components from India and t hen later on the production would be from India. Nissans Entry Expansion to India As part of its entry and expansion to India, the company is tying up with its alliance partner Renault and stetted up a manufacturing facility in Chennai, India with an investment of INR 4500 crores, which will have a capacity of producing four lakh units. It also has alliance with Ashok Leyland to build Light Commercial Vehicles, with Bajaj to develop ultra-low-cost cars, with Hover for marketing, sales and dealer development support and with Maruti-Suzuki to export A-segment vehicles to Europe (Source: The Hindu Business Line, Sep 30, 2009). Apart from setting up a manufacturing facility, Nissan Motors India Private Limited is also developing a high-tech research and development facility in Chennai mainly used for developing Robotic painting that would help in boosting up the quality, enhance flexibility, increase saving and improve safety for its international business. This R D facility would allow the company to claim the weighted tax deduction of up to 150% for in-house resear ch and R D activities entitled by the government of India, making its product more likely cheaper (Source: Rediff India Abroad, Apr 10, 2009). The company believes that the scope of growth in India is immense since the penetration of vehicles into the markets is less than 50 per 1000 nationals compared to US of 800, Germany, Japan, UK and France of 600 vehicles per 1,000 people. The total industry volume globally increased 6.1 per cent even though Western Europe was flat, the US market was down 3.5 per cent and Japan was down 5.3 per cent in 2008 (Source: Business Standard, May 13, 2008). As part of its marketing strategy, the company, which already has two models ‘Teana and ‘X-Trail for the Indian market from 2004 onwards, is rolling out new sports car ‘Z370 in 2010 and fully redesigned luxury sedan ‘Teana and ‘X-Trail. The ‘Teana which was pitted against the Volkswagen Passat and the BMW 3 Series, won the Indian Executive Car of the Year 2008 for its excellence in driving comfort, performance, design and style, purpose with relevance and value for money. All these three vehicles is brought as Completely Built Units from Japan paying 109 percent duty showing that the company is making all possible efforts to expand its presence in India. Apart from that the company, will increase its product range to nine models by 2012, five of which will be manufactured in the Chennai plant. The first among these, to be launched in mid 2010, will be a hatchback based on the platform of Nissan Micra, expected to be priced close to INR 5 lakhs in t he Indian market (Source: The Economic Times, Sep 27, 2009). The company will begin exporting to Europe by second half of 2010, approximately 110,000 units (expected to grow to 180,000 units in future), manufactured in India per year, for which it has a contract manufacturing alliance with Maruti Suzuki. For exporting from Chennai, India, it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Ennore Port Ltd (EPL), making it the first automaker to utilize this eastern gateway port of India as an export base. EPL will complete development of a berth with space of 140,000m2 for vehicles by the end of June 2010 and would provide dedicated jetty for exports of Nissan cars to Europe (Source: Drive, Oct 18, 2008). There is no information on how Nissan is going to price its car in Europe, exported from India, but the company will have to definitely address the import-export tariff rates as the EU-India Free Trade Agreement is still under negotiation and is most likely to be signed at the end of 2010. Regarding the exchange rate issues, it will depend upon which currency the company is going to invoice on. If its in US Dollars, as done for most of the trading between EU and India, then the company would have to look into the exchange rates between Indian Rupee Dollar and Dollar Euro. If its going for Euro trade, then it would have to address the exchange rates between Euro and Indian Rupee. In both these cases, the company will have to come up with fixed exchange values for fixing price and hope that it does not vary drastically on the negative side leading to reduced profit margins. The company wouldnt have problem converting the profit to Japanese Yen as the Indian currency is fully convertible in the current account. Business in India Doing business in India is all about knowing the system, reading the signals (political and economic) as well as understanding the mood of the market before making investment decisions. The country is politically stable having a parliamentary system of democracy, economically growing rapidly at around 8% in spite of economic downturn, culturally diversified and technologically advanced. It has an efficiently structured business enterprise system with regulatory laws in place which are updated regularly, in keeping with the needs of the industrial and management systems. It is the home to a huge middle class population whose purchasing power parity is rapidly growing which itself forms to one of the biggest consumer bases in the world, besides the growth potential, relatively low risk on investment, easy availability of highly skilled manpower, established contract law, developed legal system, modernizing stock markets, national banking system and democratic institutions constitutes t o some of its advantages. Indias return on investment is one of the highest in the world at 19% compared to Chinas at 14% owing to efficient use of capital, the reason for it is the cost of doing business in India is lower than most countries of the world because of the availability of inexpensive labour and advanced telecommunications (Source: Doing Business in India 2009, WB IFC). The business culture of India is a reflection of the various norms and standards followed by its people. It is so diversified that it changes between every province affecting the way business is done. A sound knowledge of Indias cultural practices and business etiquettes is necessary for any trade or business venture within the country. A proper understanding of culture and business etiquette would not only demonstrate a respect for India but will also create a feel good factor amongst the prospective clients. Culturally and as a mark of politeness, Indians have difficulty in saying no, this could be a stumbling block in negotiations and in closing contracts. The notion of time, time management, punctuality is still an anathema in India. It is more to do with the mindset and ingrained in the Indian culture. It would not be surprising if meetings are postponed, re scheduled, cancelled or organized at a very short notice. Bureaucratic hurdles and a laidback approach to work in the gove rnment circles results in delay in processing and overload of paperwork, hence immense patience is necessary for any business transaction. Also due to the lack of infrastructure and inadequate supply chain management, doing business need to be carefully organised and should be ready to overcome such hurdles. The companies follow the hierarchical system and decision making is usually from the top to bottom (Sandy Naidu, 2008). All companies doing business in India must comply with the regulatory laws under the Companies Act, 1956. It is mandatory for every company in India to register its Articles and Memorandum of Association with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) and should accompany Declaration of Compliance which must be duly stamped and signed by an advocate of the High Court or Supreme Court or chartered accountant in whole time practice, Notice of the situation of the registered company, Particulars of Directors and the ROCs letter indicating the approval of the nomenclature of the company in original. Automotive in India The automobile industry in India is the ninth largest in the world with an annual production of over 2 million units. It emerged as Asias fourth largest exporter of automobiles, behind Japan, South Korea and Thailand. Following economic liberalization in India in 1991 which included opening for international trade and investment, deregulation, initiation of privatization, tax reforms and inflation-controlling measures, the Indian automotive industry has demonstrated sustained growth as a result of increased competitiveness and relaxed restrictions. The industry clearly stands out as a significant contributor to the economic growth as it contributes to almost 4% to the GDP, accounting for about 5% of the total industrial output (KPMGs India Automotive Study, 2007). The Indian automobile industry has seen rapid technological change over the last decade in terms of both product characteristics as well as manufacturing processes. At the same time, technological changes and the deepening of technological capabilities have been confined not only to the car manufacturers but also to the auto components industry. The industry has witnessed an unprecedented boom in recent years, owing to the improvement in living standards of the middle class and a significant increase in their disposable incomes added up with easy availability of car loans, affordable rates of interest, smooth repayment facilities and the deductions offered by the retailers (KPMGs India Automotive Study, 2007). Keeping that in mind, most of the major global car manufacturers have established a presence, either through their subsidiaries or through Joint Ventures. These manufacturers have access to the latest technology in product, manufacturing process terms and range of products usin g which trying to make inroads into the Indian market. This has helped transform the technological landscape of the Indian car market by segmenting itself with all varieties of car models like the small cars, mid-size cars, luxury cars, super luxury cars and sports utility vehicles. The constant changes in the existing car models with regard to design, innovation, technology and colours have led to a fiercely competitive market. In spite of all these, the small cars still hold the major market share in terms of sales, making most of the manufacturers to develop cost effective technology to compete in that segment, since the consumers are extremely cost-conscious and have greater awareness towards the latest technologies. Seeing the rapid growth of vehicles in the country, government of India introduced range of policies to tackle vehicular pollution, as a major step towards this, India-2000 norms were introduced, which is Euro-I equivalent. Subsequently Bharat Stage-II (Euro-II equivalent) norms were put into place for passenger cars and multi-utility vehicles and now BS-III BS-IV norms are being adopted in highly polluted cities (Chikkatur, Ananth Sagar, 2007) . At the same time, government has also mandated a reduction of a number of critical pollutants from automobile fuels. Meeting these standards requires the implementation of some combination of technologies such as fuel injection, multi-valve engines, catalytic converters, fixed exhaust gas recirculation and need substantial change in engine design (A.D.Sagar P.Chandra, 2006). All these factors like intense competition, customers price sensitivity, increasingly sophisticated demands and progressively tighter emission standards have acted in concert to place a tremendous pressure on the manufacturers to reduce costs as well as offer an improved and wider range of technological features to their Indian and global customers. This, in turn, has resulted in a series of changes in the technological landscape of the Indian automobile industry. Challenges for Indian Automotive Industry Among the many issues facing the Indian automotive industry, the biggest by far is the poor road infrastructure. Indias road network, comprising of a modest national highway system is woefully inadequate and shabby and can barely keep pace with the auto industrys rapid growth. Most roads are single-lane roads crowded with two-wheelers, bullock carts, pedestrian humans and even cows. Traffic laws are not well enforced leading to one of the highest per-capita accident rates in the world. Secondly, attracting and nurturing talented manpower not only for the creation of better and reliable products but also for servicing and maintenance throughout the life cycle of the product. Thirdly, the massive increase in the cost of input materials like steel which has increased by almost 40%, copper by 45% and natural rubber by 40% and also the significant tariffs imposed on import products and components combined with the inconsistency of currency exchange rates make localization compulsory for c ompanies entering the Indian market. Some of the other issues are like inadequate testing facilities and inspection, maintenance and certification system. Presently the country has testing facilities at the Automotive Research Association of India and the Vehicle Research and Development Establishment, but the need for additional and more extensive test facilities has become clearer in the past few years. The country has Inspection and Maintenance policy but it is widely regarded as having only limited effectiveness and an upgraded inspection, maintenance and certification system with better enforcement is urgently needed (Automotive Mission Plan 2006- 2016, Dec 2006). Challenges for Nissan in India Other than the challenges discussed above, that is existing in the automobile sector in India, Nissan will have to overcome some of its own operational challenges like teaching the mindset of ‘Kaizen to its workers and local suppliers and to constantly and consistently raise their quality standards. Kaizen simply means continuous or constant improvement. In Japanese Kai means â€Å"to take apart† and zen means â€Å"to make good.† Together these two words mean to take something apart in order to make it better. Kaizen is based on the fundamentals of scientific analysis in which you â€Å"take apart† the elements of a process or system to understand how it works, and then discover how to influence or improve it. Continuous improvement is the small, gradual, incremental changes applied over a long period of time that add up to a major impact on business and quality results, the realisation of how important a smallest idea is in attaining greatest results. As part of that, under the guidance of team of engineers from Nissan and Honda, Caparo India, the Indian unit of a British auto parts maker that manufacturers steel body panels and other metal parts, have built up a new assembly lines using the Japanese and Taiwanese factory equipment and have effectively adopted Kaizen management (Source: The New York Times, Jun 26, 2008). The other threat the company has is, entering a market segment that is highly competitive, dominated by old players like Maruti-Suzuki, Hyundai Motors and Tata Motors, which together hold majority of the market share for so many years building the confidence of the customers, making it a late entry. The first car to be revealed by Nissan from the platform of Nissan Micra is going to compete with established and highly selling brands like ‘Swift of Maruti-Suzuki, ‘Getz of Hyundai Motors and ‘Indigo of Tata Motors, two of this brand are also exported to Europe. Conclusion But in spite of all these challenge and threat factors, the company positions itself well and capitalise on its strengths like major global presence making it a reliable and approved international brand, commendable presence in the Europe market, good tie-ups with local Indian manufacturers like Bajaj, Mahindra and Ashok Leyland enabling them the ease of penetration by understanding the needs of customers and customising it accordingly. More than that, since the Indian car industry is expected to grow from 2 Million to 8 Million units by 2020, gives considerable opportunity to all players and Nissan could be one of the main gainers keeping in mind its international reputation and standards. References * Ambuj D. Sagar Pankaj Chandra (2006), Technological Change in the Indian Passenger Car Industry, Indian Institute of Management * AMP- Automotive Mission Plan 2006- 2016 The Department of Heavy Industries, Government of India (Dec 2006), * Chikkatur, Ananth, and Ambuj Sagar (2007), â€Å"Cleaner Power in India: Towards a Clean-Coal-Technology Roadmap†, Indian Institute of Management * Doing Business in India 2009, World Bank and International Financial Corporation * KPMGs India Automotive Study 2007, ‘Domestic Growth and Global Aspirations, KPMG International, 2007. * Sandy Naidu (2008), A Detailed Pocket Guide To Indian Business Culture, * Scott Gallagher (2005), Why Does Firm Performance Differ? * Business Standard, May 13, 2008, * Drive, Oct 18, 2008, * Rediff India Abroad, Apr 10, 2009, * The Hindu Business Line, Sep 30, 2009, * The Japan Times online, May 14, 2008, * The Economic Times, Sep 27, 2009, news-by-industry/auto/automobiles/Nissan-to-launch-sports-car-Z370-in-India-in-2010/articleshow/5059873.cms * The New York Times, Jun 26, 2008, business/worldbusiness/26iht-nissan.4.14028225.html * * * Bibliography * Indian Brand Equity Foundation, * Robin John Grazia Letto Gillies (2007), Global business strategy * SIAM -Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers, * Tilman Altenburga, Hubert Schmitzb Andreas Stamma (2007), Breakthrough  Indias Transition from Production to Innovation * * *

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sir Gawain Essay -- essays research papers

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Gawain, a knight of the famed King Arthur, is depicted as the most noble of knights in the poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Nonetheless, he is not without fault or punishment, and is certainly susceptible to conflict. Gawain, bound to chivalry, is torn between his knightly edicts, his courtly obligations, and his mortal thoughts of self-preservation. This conflict is most evident in his failure of the tests presented to him. With devious tests of temptation and courage, Morgan le Fay is able to create a mockery of Gawain’s courtly and knightly ideals. Through the knight Gawain, the poem is able to reveal that even knights are human too with less than romantic traits. In order to satirize Gawain's courtly ways, the poet must first establish the presence of perfect chivalric code in Gawain, only to later mock that sense of perfection with failure. This establishment of chivalric code is created in part through the expression used to describe Gawain throughout the poem. He is described as "noble" and "goodly" on more than one occasion, giving the reader a positive understanding of the poem's hero (405, 685). This courtly view of Gawain is further expresses by his noble acceptance of the Green Knight's beheading game, in order to "release the king outright" from his responsibility (365). Gawain was the first to accept the Green Knight's terms. His acceptance of the beheading game before any other person brings t...

Langston Hughes On the Road Essay -- Langston Hughes On Road Poetry E

Langston Hughes' "On the Road" In Langston Hughes, "On the Road" the Sargeant is a homeless Black man that is desperate for food and shelter. In his desperation, Sargeant goes to the church to refuge, but there is no one at the Church to help him get refuge. Although Sargent is living in a time where the depression is in existence amongst all people, Black and White, he finds no one to help him. Sargent goes to the Church because the Church helps people. However, because Sargeant is Black and the Church is populated by a White congregation, he is rejected. In the story " One the Road", one of the people: A big black unemployed Negro holding onto our church... "The idea"! This represents that Sargent wants the benefits of the white society, but because of racism he was not allowed the opportunity to acquire the benefits. When Sargent was holding on to the Church, this represents his relentlessness and striving that he had to endure to live in a society in which discrimination and racism existed. He held on to the C hurch's doors because he was holding on to the American dream in which all people have the right to receive the same treatment regardless of color. Sargent knew he was no longer a slave, so when he was holding on to the Church's doors to be let in. He wanted to be fed and accepted into a society that did not want him. In his persistence of wanting to be accepted, the Sargent caused the Church to collapse. Once the Church fell down, Christ came off the cross, and symbolically this represents freedom. "They have kept me nailed on a cross for nearly two thousand years(Hughes 619)." Victory invokes a feeling of freedom. Therefore, when the white converts kept Christ on the cross for two thousand years, they kept ... ... "Sargeant grabbed, but not for anything so weak as a broken door. He grabbed for one of the tall stone pillars beside the grabbed at it and caught it. And held it" (Hughes 618) As I read this, I wanted to know what the Sargeant wanted. When I asked myself this question, white poeple said: "A big black umemployed Negro holding on to our Church!... "The idea(618)!" I realized he was holding on because he wanted the benefits of this white society that he was entitiled to. There is interaction between the text and the reader. If there were no interaction between the text and the reader, people would not read. Iser made a very good point that the text is not only in motion, but the reader is too. The reader's perception of the text is what makes the story come alive, and what enable readers to write and analyze different ideologies that are presented in a text.

Friday, July 19, 2019

OxyContin New Entry in the Drug War Essay -- Essays Papers

OxyContin New Entry in the Drug War When concerned with the ethics of development in a global environment, the issue of drug abuse is of particular importance. All of the different aspects of the drug trade impact a nation, and specifically the development of a nation within a global environment. Within the United States, drug abuse has been prevalent among specific populations in society for almost a half of a century now. Historically speaking, drug abuse has erupted in many directions; new drugs have offered new markets, new trends have developed new habits. These patterns have become societal concerns on many levels. The creation of new drugs has added another dimension to prescriptive drug abuse. Though science is making enormous advancements in the field of disease treatment, the discoveries are at the same time adding additional routes to becoming drug addicts on the prescription front. In addition, although illicit drug use by teens has been incrementally decreasing since 2001, it still affects a large enough population to interfere with the ever developing nation of the United States. As drug abuse continues to be initiated in adolescence, the chances of it manifesting itself in adult society remain high. Efforts to contain both prescriptive and illicit drug abuse have both failed and succeeded, on different wavelengths. One of the first drug abuse prevention programs, D.A.R.E., has recently been classified as ineffective. More institutionalized, nationally funded efforts of the United States government have begun to target foreign hierarchical drug pyramids in an effort to halt drug use within America. This paper will examine these issues surrounding prescriptive and illicit drug abuse, with the former ... ...ycodone HCl Controlled-Release)Tablets Information. 9 Mar. 2004. NIDA. Cocaine Effects. 9 Mar. 2004. NIDA. Message from the Director: Increased Abuse for Prescription Drugs is Cause for Concern. 9 Mar. 2004. ONDCP Drug Facts, â€Å"Crack†. 9 Mar. 2004. ONDCP Drug Facts, â€Å"OxyContin†. 9 Mar. 2004. U.S. FDA. Prescription Drug Use and Abuse. 3 Mar. 2004. U.S. FDA. Prescription Drug Use and Abuse-Controlled Substances. 9 Mar. 2004.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Uinit 1

Unit 1: Develop and evaluate operational plans for own area of responsibility Unit code: B1 Unit reference number: Y/600/9588 QCF level: 5 Credit value: 6 Guided learning hours: 25 Unit summary This unit helps learners to develop, implement, monitor and review operational plans for own area of responsibility. Assessment requirements/evidence requirements Assessment must be carried out in way that is consistent with the requirements outlined in Annexe D: Assessment Strategy. To pass the unit, learners must meet all of the assessment criteria. Assessment methodologyThis unit is assessed using evidence from the workplace, i. e. observable performance, physical products of work (such as reports, plans, correspondence etc), witness testimony, discussion and questioning etc. Simulation is not allowed. Learning outcomes and assessment criteria NoLearning outcomesAssessments Evidence typePortfolioDate 1 Be able to align objectives of own area of responsibility with those of own organisation. 1. 1 Identify operational objectives within own area of responsibility. PPC work plan Activity sheetsRef 2 App A + B4/3/13 1. Analyse objectives of own area of responsibility in relation to those of own organisation 2 Be able to implement operational plans in own area of responsibility2. 1 Assess risks associated with operational plans and include contingency arrangements 2. 2 Identify support from relevant stakeholders 2. 3 Implement operational plan within own area of responsibility 3 Be able to monitor and evaluate operational plans in own area of responsibility3. 1 Monitor procedures within the operational plan 3. 2 Evaluate operational plans and implement any necessary actions.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A five-year career goal plan

I work for AAFES it is a subcontractor for the government. In this phoner the main breed is c whole(a)ed the PX in the civilian argona it would be like a Wal-Mart. in that location are other stores that are include like gas stations and unfluctuating food restaurants such as Burger King, greaser Johns, McDonalds etc. AAFES are located on array bases almost the world. We serve for the men and women in the military wherever they go we go we every last(predicate)ow for dish ups from the basic necessities to high-end products.My duty as an area coach is to call trustworthy enough to take care of the client service and the complaints in like manner to make received all readying is done by all employees as needed. Was a manager I find rooms to improve the gross revenue floor with new fresh composition to meet sales goals. I also make sure all the account statement is correct and accurate such as items that need to be counted twice a day such as laptop iPad high-end Jew elry and items worth to a prominenter extent than $1000. I am responsible to make sure that this is correct at all times. I check to make sure to see at all the receipts make sure that the item is received properly.When I complete my bachelors in business and sympathetic resource I would like to be in a sell environment. Ive been with this company about 9 age I feel I relieve oneself experience and not the facts of life and thats why Im binding in college so I go away not get turned kill a position because of the lack of facts of life. I reckon I could be selected for a store manager position because the education and experience and the classes that I drive taken to release a manager. I allow for need to focus on up(p) my performance at work. The more I learn about what is needed to be have it away a store manager the easier it get out become when Ive met my goal.Within the 3 historic period of my retail profession I will fetch my Masters in business and human resource that will give me a higher take of education. I will hand over more training and more experience for the vocation of being a training instalment manager. I have had 2 manager position in aafes I have been in the position as a Burger King manager and a retail Manager. I believe with my experience and education I will be more than qualified for the next positions. Within the 5 years of my retail profession I would like to become a retail HR anager I will have my Masters by then Ill have experience being a store manager and food manager also being a training facility manager and that would be my inspiration gambol and I would stick with that until I retire. I would be more cozy of the different job titles. I would have more experience on what you bay window do in the company and what you standt do in the company. I would have the experience to make sure the employees complaints are taken care of and be more knowledgeable within the company so I could be thriving of helping the employees on different levels.The course path that I have elect will benefit my family. They of all time show hard work cedes off (Evans, Stephanie) and I believe that I would have to throw my weekends and holidays with my family for upcoming years for the job of my dreams. I would love to have a 9-to-5 job with weekends and holidays off barely I believe that is a small price to pay for 2 years versus 18 years of the job of your dreams. Knowledge is power in my eyes. (Stephanie Evans) I feel that if I have the education and experiences that I will be roaring in meeting goals. I am dedicated Im a hard worker Im reliable and trustworthy.Most of my colleagues come to me because I will share the instruction that will help them be successful in this company as well. I believe in this company because my pop served in the Army and my husband is in the currently in the Army. I always wanted to join the Army but I couldnt because I am physically handicapped and this is on e way I can serve my dry land by move a grin on the faces of the men and women that serve our country, putting their life on the line for our freedom. And all I want to do is to make sure they have great customer service and will have great experience when they shop at AAFES.ReferencesAnderson, L, E., & Bolt, S.B. (2013). Professionalism Skills for body of work Success. (3rd Ed.). Pearson Education Inc. Upper Saddle tonic Jersey. http//

Did Korea Succeeded in the Three Invasions from 108 B.C. to 1231 A.D.?

Korea is strategically located among its allies and enemies, and it is a poor fate that this nation non just invaded and slaughtered was blush divided in two. Two br another(prenominal)s believeth in truth further view these principles differently. One belongs to the other, as if in the movie Predator when it was said that The antagonist of your enemy is also your friend. The ROK was formed in the labor unionwards and The South became a Republic (Readings). In short, condescension of the peace universe enjoyed by its citizenry factions remained because of groups being formed such as, Communist vs. Industrialist, pro-China, Conservatives vs. Liberals due to low temperature war politics and internal course of instructions among themselves (Readings). The decline of the Han dynasty (the determine of the Chinese) started the beginnings of three rival kingdoms, the Koguryo on the northeast of China, the Paekche on the southwest, and Shilla on the Southeast (Rea dings). Despite unification moves was attempt in its entire narrative, the northern part or the Nangnang (Lolang) remained a socialist and the southern part elected was an end result of the unification of Paekche and Shilla to which better cognize to the world today as Seoul.After the Hans the Mongols came, during those invasions the Koreans suffered so greatly that they even accounted this period with the Mongols to the Japanese period the raunchy Age in their history. Koreans in the long history of factions among themselves retained its culture, language, and faith. However, these are the same people who scram an open mind that was able to embrace other belief like the Catholic Religion and modify amicably with the modern culture.They are people who create survived so many wars, which turned its cities into devastation and pauperisation barely were able to retain its own uniqueness despite of so many foreign invasions. The Koreans, in their own rights succeeded in their quest for their own beliefs and emancipation not only because they were hard survivors but because they allow been gifted with valiant men and women, from which is the offspring of a good stock their origins are made of.The winner in nation building cannot be seen overnight, it has to passed with the test of sentence just like forge gold from a nuggets of other metals. This could have believably happened in the history of Korea which was clearly seen during the time of Yi Dynasty until the time of King Sae Jong thru the time of General Yi to Admiral Yi, and Yu Kwan-soon (Association). However, Koreans calamity may not be seen in cost of its sparing position today since it is regarded as superstar of the four dragons of the Southeast Asian economy but for the resolve that they are divided in two.The division may be called providence probably for the reason that it is to create a balance of which some has already foreseen, that the north lead be the pivotal fate to whic h will determine the stability of East Asia and north Pacific Rim. The South however, have shown to the world that it has cured so fast, that it became a leader on economic recovery after a decade of crises that was undergone by the rest of other Asian region. Succeeding is not just to be seen in economic statistics and armaments, but more so on how its people as a country have survived.Though these two siblings may have separated, history or destiny may have reasons why it is so. Separately in to each one field both have succeeded, but only until they have ensured that another invasion would not do and as for the moment, hoping they will no longer continue repeating their history. Since 1953, all hostilities ended (Readings). Hopefully that the ceasefire will truly be the end of all factions, and may these neighboring nations eventually learned that strength is not found in violence but on strong hearts that is willing to undergo reforms and forgiveness.