Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A five-year career goal plan

I work for AAFES it is a subcontractor for the government. In this phoner the main breed is c whole(a)ed the PX in the civilian argona it would be like a Wal-Mart. in that location are other stores that are include like gas stations and unfluctuating food restaurants such as Burger King, greaser Johns, McDonalds etc. AAFES are located on array bases almost the world. We serve for the men and women in the military wherever they go we go we every last(predicate)ow for dish ups from the basic necessities to high-end products.My duty as an area coach is to call trustworthy enough to take care of the client service and the complaints in like manner to make received all readying is done by all employees as needed. Was a manager I find rooms to improve the gross revenue floor with new fresh composition to meet sales goals. I also make sure all the account statement is correct and accurate such as items that need to be counted twice a day such as laptop iPad high-end Jew elry and items worth to a prominenter extent than $1000. I am responsible to make sure that this is correct at all times. I check to make sure to see at all the receipts make sure that the item is received properly.When I complete my bachelors in business and sympathetic resource I would like to be in a sell environment. Ive been with this company about 9 age I feel I relieve oneself experience and not the facts of life and thats why Im binding in college so I go away not get turned kill a position because of the lack of facts of life. I reckon I could be selected for a store manager position because the education and experience and the classes that I drive taken to release a manager. I allow for need to focus on up(p) my performance at work. The more I learn about what is needed to be have it away a store manager the easier it get out become when Ive met my goal.Within the 3 historic period of my retail profession I will fetch my Masters in business and human resource that will give me a higher take of education. I will hand over more training and more experience for the vocation of being a training instalment manager. I have had 2 manager position in aafes I have been in the position as a Burger King manager and a retail Manager. I believe with my experience and education I will be more than qualified for the next positions. Within the 5 years of my retail profession I would like to become a retail HR anager I will have my Masters by then Ill have experience being a store manager and food manager also being a training facility manager and that would be my inspiration gambol and I would stick with that until I retire. I would be more cozy of the different job titles. I would have more experience on what you bay window do in the company and what you standt do in the company. I would have the experience to make sure the employees complaints are taken care of and be more knowledgeable within the company so I could be thriving of helping the employees on different levels.The course path that I have elect will benefit my family. They of all time show hard work cedes off (Evans, Stephanie) and I believe that I would have to throw my weekends and holidays with my family for upcoming years for the job of my dreams. I would love to have a 9-to-5 job with weekends and holidays off barely I believe that is a small price to pay for 2 years versus 18 years of the job of your dreams. Knowledge is power in my eyes. (Stephanie Evans) I feel that if I have the education and experiences that I will be roaring in meeting goals. I am dedicated Im a hard worker Im reliable and trustworthy.Most of my colleagues come to me because I will share the instruction that will help them be successful in this company as well. I believe in this company because my pop served in the Army and my husband is in the currently in the Army. I always wanted to join the Army but I couldnt because I am physically handicapped and this is on e way I can serve my dry land by move a grin on the faces of the men and women that serve our country, putting their life on the line for our freedom. And all I want to do is to make sure they have great customer service and will have great experience when they shop at AAFES.ReferencesAnderson, L, E., & Bolt, S.B. (2013). Professionalism Skills for body of work Success. (3rd Ed.). Pearson Education Inc. Upper Saddle tonic Jersey. http//

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